About Us Old - Miller Soils
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About Us Old


Contact or questions info@millersoilsllc.com

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Call for quotes 1-800-591-5925

About Us

Miller Soils is a grass-roots, family owned soil business specializing in biochar-based, custom blends and grow medias that best fit your specific needs. We’re committed to both our customers and the environment, so we produce only the finest quality all-natural products for home gardening to large-scale cultivation.

Miller Soils is committed to using natural ingredients and sustainable practices, and we do our best to mimic natural biological systems.


Even when producing carbon-rich biochar, we’re reducing our carbon footprint to “closing the loops” in our supply chain, we mean it when we say “natural”!


We focus on reducing your smaller costs on our end, by providing you with high-quality, ready-to-use products and services right to your door.

Miller Soils works hard to bring extra quality and productivity to the grower’s enterprise – and we do it with an eye towards long-term sustainability.


In fact, Miller Soils got its start as an effort to turn forestry wastes from wildland-urban interface treatments into valuable organic soil amendments like biochar and compost.

Read More About Biochar


We make more than just soil, we collaborate with businesses across the nation to create clean, efficient, and sustainable solutions for large-scale and commercial cultivation

CDL Transportation, land and logistics (IHR).

  • Thirty Existing Colorado accounts.
  • CDL drivers, transportation equipment, insurance and logistics.
  • Pick up used organic soil/media and stalks (GREEN WASTE).
  • Transport used material to land locations for separation.
  • Deliver new and/or reconstituted Miller Soils grow medias and nutrients in various sizes.
Engineering the best results with the right research & development
  • Engineer new soils and medias from recycled soil.
  • Engineer new compost products.
  • Research and Development of sustainable grow medias and nutrients.

Introducing “The Service”